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All Aptos methods

Assets JS library methods

  • GetAssets(chain): The get Assets method provides information about the delegation pool.

Aptos JS library methods

  • stake(token, address, amount): Stakes user tokens. For the initial stake, you need to stake a minimum of 11 APT. However, if you already have an active stake more than or equal to 11 APT, the minimum amount you can add is 0.1 Aptos.
  • reactivate(token, address, amount): Reactivates user Stake. The user can only reactivate that number of APT, which was unlocked previously. If a user possesses 15 unlocked APT, they are only able to reactivate the entire amount. This is due to the fact that the condition specifying the remaining unlocked amount must be equal to or greater than 11 APT is not met when unlocking just 11 APT.
  • unlock(token, address, amount): Unlocks user tokens. The user can only unlock more than 11 APT and must have more than or equal to 11 APT in the active stake.If a user possesses 15 APT, they are only able to unlock the entire amount. This is due to the fact that the condition specifying the remaining active stake must be equal to or greater than 11 APT is not met when unlocking just 11 APT.
  • unstake(token, address, amount): Unstakes user tokens. The user can only unstake that number of APT, which was unlocked previously. If a user possesses 15 unlocked APT, they are only able to unstake the entire amount. This is due to the fact that the condition specifying the remaining unlocked amount must be equal to or greater than 11 APT is not met when ustaking just 11 APT.
  • sendTransfer(address, recipientAddress, amount): Transfers user tokens. Using this method user can transfer APT from one wallet address to another.

Assets API methods

  • GetAssets(chain): The GET Assets method provides information about the delegation pool.

Aptos REST API methods

  • delegate(token, address, amount): Stakes user tokens. For the initial stake, you need to stake a minimum of 11 APT. However, if you already have an active stake more than or equal to 11 APT, the minimum amount you can add is 0.1 Aptos.
  • unlock(token, address, amount): Unlocks user tokens. The user can only unlock more than 11 APT and must have more than or equal to 11 APT in the active stake.If a user possesses 15 APT, they are only able to unlock the entire amount. This is due to the fact that the condition specifying the remaining active stake must be equal to or greater than 11 APT is not met when unlocking just 11 APT.
  • reactivateStake(token, address, amount): Reactivates user Stake. The user can only reactivate that number of APT, which was unlocked previously. If a user possesses 15 unlocked APT, they are only able to reactivate the entire amount. This is due to the fact that the condition specifying the remaining unlocked amount must be equal to or greater than 11 APT is not met when unlocking just 11 APT.
  • undelegate(token, address, amount). Unstakes user tokens. The user can only unstake that number of APT, which was unlocked previously. If a user possesses 15 unlocked APT, they are only able to unstake the entire amount. This is due to the fact that the condition specifying the remaining unlocked amount must be equal to or greater than 11 APT is not met when ustaking just 11 APT.
  • transfer(address, amount, recipientAddress): Transfers user tokens. Using this method user can transfer APT from one wallet address to another.
  • getLockupSecs(): Gets a validator lockup expired period in seconds


Using REST API methods and JS library, you have to sign transaction on your side: see more

Why the Wallet SDK

It is very simple to integrate staking, using described methods with code examples.