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Stake Babylon

The stake method creates unsigned transaction for stake/delegation

  • stake(amount, feeRate = 1): Stake bitcoin stats from and for specific address. Min. stake is 0.0005 BTC
const { Babylon, signetNetwork } = require("@everstake/wallet-sdk/babylon");
const {crypto, Psbt} = require('bitcoinjs-lib');

// Token ID.
const token = process.env.TOKEN; // 3155f389-d943-4966-8e18-f159c2a6ef66

// create instance of Babylon class
const babylon = new Babylon(signetNetwork, Buffer.from(keyPair.publicKey), token);

// amount of stake (sats)
const amount = 50000;

// get unsigned stake tx
const unsignedStakeTx = await babylon.stake(amount);

// sign tx
const tweakedChildNode = keyPair.tweak(
    crypto.taggedHash('TapTweak', keyPair.publicKey.slice(1, 33)),
const signedTx = unsignedStakeTx.psbt.signInput(0, tweakedChildNode);

// extract and sent to network
const stakingTx = Psbt.fromHex(signedTx.toHex()).extractTransaction();
fetch('', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' },
    body: stakingTx.toHex()
    .then(response => response.text())
    .then(txid => {
        console.log('Broadcasted Transaction ID:', txid);
    .catch(error => {
        console.error('Failed to broadcast transaction:', error);