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Getting Started

You can use Javascript library to implement Ethereum staking for Everstake validator.

JavaScript library

You can install and import Wallet SDK for Javascript. The link to the JS library on npm:

Step. 1: Installing the Library

Install the npm library by copying the code below.

$ npm install @everstake/wallet-sdk

or you can also use yarn

$ yarn add @everstake/wallet-sdk

Step. 2: Import Wallet SDK

After installing the app, you can import module of Ethereum blockchain and use the SDK:

Import ES6

// import module
import { Ethereum } from '@everstake/wallet-sdk';
// or you can also use
import * as Ethereum from '@everstake/wallet-sdk/ethereum';
// import needed function
import { stake } from '@everstake/wallet-sdk/ethereum';

Import ES5

// import module
const { Ethereum } = require("@everstake/wallet-sdk");
// or you can also use
const { stake } = require("@everstake/wallet-sdk/ethereum");


For Ethereum, no API key or authentication token is required. Instead, utilize the source.

The source is a unique identifier provided by the Everstake that allows the Everstake to recognize and verify the origin of the staking transactions.

Please contact us to obtain your unique 'source' value. This approach allows us to track all Ethereum requests originating from your account, ensuring personalized and secure service.

Pay attention that Wallet SDK utilizes Public RPC, you need to replace it with your own RPC URL, as current one has limits.